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Since 2007 we have been working with German company Mekyska Management Consultants GmbH who mainly provide professional consulting services in the IT-finance management field. During our cooperation we have worked on two major services called CODI and SimCalc. The focus areas for both projects were optimizing expenditure, accelerating workflows, and providing quality assurance for the collected data.
The systems are mainly designed to help businesses who offer IT infrastructure services such as cloud storage, server farms, virtual resources, and software.
CODI (Cost Distributor) is a modular software package that manages the accumulation and monitoring of costs. These costs can come from an SAP system, cloud infrastructure (e.g. Azure), or a simple Excel table. The system enables the automatic and causal distribution of IT costs. The result is a structured cost map for the entire company with reliable data and measurable results.
SimCalc is a service that supports budget planning and cost calculations of IT businesses. The user can plan costs by defining accounting steps, cost-bearers, and cost distribution logic and without needing intricate Excel tables. The system consists of 3 main modules: Simulation (or planning), PvA (Plan vs Actual), and Calculation. The next financial year can be planned in the simulation module. What services will be used, what assets will be purchased, and what investments will be made. The PvA module will be used in the current financial year with the incoming invoices, with the module continuously monitoring how the planned costs measure against the actual costs. The third module is used to create the financial IT quotes.
1039 Chrome Rd.
Oxford, PA 19363
Vasvári Pál u. 1/C
9024 Győr